Dead Horse Gap walking track

I'm down at Thredbo for the Easter long weekend, and I decided to walk the Dead Horse Gap walking track.

Dead Horse Gap walking track

I'm down at Thredbo for the Easter long weekend, and I decided to walk the Dead Horse Gap walking track.

There's two ways you can approach the track. You can either walk south out of Thredbo along the Thredbo River walking track and walk up the Rams Head range and return by the Kosciuszko Express chairlift, or you can take the Kosciuszko Express chairlift up to the start of the track and casually walk down the range.

Because this was my third day of walking around the snowy mountains, I opted to take the easier route and start with the Kosciusko express chairlift and return via the Thredbo River walking track.

To use the Kosciuszko Express chairlift, you need to get a scenic pass to use the park's chairlifts for the day. During summer you'll be sharing the chairlift with mountain bike riders. The ride-up is picturesque. You can see great views in all directions when you get to the top there is a cafe that's usually packed. I would just skip the cafe and continue with the walk.

The start of the dead horse walking track is about 200 meters up the Kosciuszko mountain walk. There's a sign that marks the start of the walk.

The walk starts on a narrow trail that’s well-maintained with crushed granite. To your left, you have sweeping views of Thredbo Valley, and to the right, you can see the Rams head range. At the start of the track, you'll walk past a T-bar used in winter.

As you progress along the walk, the views become more spectacular. The Stone structures along Rams Head Range look spectacular.

I stopped for a moment here to take in the view of Rams Head Mountain (2,190m) as I walked to the summit of Rams Head Mountain the previous day. Which is partly why I'm walking down the mountain today. I'm glad I decided to skip climbing South Ram's Head, but I'll save that story for another blog post.

The weather today is absolutely superb I'm able to get away with wearing just a T-shirt. The skies are blue and visibility is far.

As you start to descend the range, the foliage gets thicker and trees start to surround you. The last part of the track becomes steep with stairs. You are greeted by the Thredbo River and a bridge that you can walk over.

This is the end of the Dead Horse Gap track and the start of the Thredbo Riverwalk which will take you back to Thredbo. There's a sign that shows you the direction to the walk.

The walk back to Thredbo is along long grassy plains, with a few occasional crossings of the Thredbo River. The river itself is picturesque and worth a stop or two. The walk back to Thredbo takes about an hour.

After the walk, I noticed that both walks have a total combined descent of 600 meters. My legs thank me.